Lovely decorated glass jars with a candle holder


These storage jars with a candle holder are very decorative and practical. Cut a decorative card border and place it inside the jar. Decorate the outside of the jar with 3D liner, providing a lovely sense of depth to the design. The jar may be used for, for example, small prayer candles.

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How to do it:   Cut an approx. 8 x 28-29 cm piece of card. Cut a simple design which will work as a back ground.
2   Place the finished card border inside the jar so that it fits all the way along the inside of the jar.
3   Dry/wash the outside of the jar and leave to dry.
4   Decorate the outside of the jar with 3D liner. Leave to dry.
A tip   You may choose to decorate the jar with glass & porcelain markers. Remember to fix the jar in the oven at 160°C for 30-35 minutes WITHOUT the lid and the card border.
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These storage jars with a candle holder are very decorative and practical. Cut a decorative card border and place it inside the jar. Decorate the outside of the jar with 3D liner, providing a lovely sense of depth to the design. The jar may be used for, for example, small prayer candles.

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